
Friday, December 12, 2014

Fun Stand-Up Elephant card Craft

For a lesson about the circus or the zoo, here's a fun crafty elephant idea. 


  • card stock
  • elephant template
  • scissors
  • colored paper
  • glue
  • colorful beads
  • grey paint
  • sponges
  • crayon
  • colorful yarn


  1. Fold card stock in half and trace a simple elephant with the fold making the back.
  2. Trace and two ear pieces separately and cut out ears and elephant. 
  3. Open elephant flat and sponge paint elephant and ears grey all over. Allow to dry.
  4. Cut a strip of colored paper and glue over the back for the blanket.
  5. Glue on colorful beads.
  6. Draw details on your elephant.
  7. Glue a piece of colorful string on the inside to make the tail.