
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Appreciation Award from Premio Colors

Thank you so much to Buba from the Polish site, Bajdocja for awarding me the Appreciation Award from Premio Colors. I'm was so surprised and flattered. The rules for the award are simple:

1. Post the Award image on your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who awarded you(Linking them is nice, too).
3. Award 10 other bloggers.

Here are my nominees. All of them are great craft sites with original idea

1. Meet the Dubiens
2. Happy Home Fairy
3. Creative Ideas
4. Little Bit Funky
5. Craft Ideas for All
6. Stuff by Ash
7. Domestic Charm
8. Shared Threads
9. Honey's Creative Homemaking
10. Cara's Crafts and More


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