
Friday, November 16, 2012

Liebster Award

I'm so excited and flattered to have been nominated/awarded the Liebster Award from Amy over at  Inspire Imagination through Creation. Amy's blog is full of great craft, activitiy, and recipe ideas for preschool. Thanks again Amy. The Liebter Award is awarded to bloggers by bloggers with less than 200 followers to promote up and coming blogs. The word 'liebster' is German and means, kindest, nicest, dearest. The rules are you have to:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated/awarded you.
2. Answer 11 questions asked you by the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate/award 11 other blogs with links.
4. Pose 11 of your own questions to your nominees.
5. Put the Liebster Award logo on your blog.(I chose the image above for myself after being awarded. There are a few versions online to choose from. Just image google it.


 My questions to answer:

1. What is your most memorable day?
My wedding day in Japan at a Japanese shrine, wearing traditional dress.

2. What do you not leave the house without?
My shoes.

3. What is your most annoying habit?
Talking to myself. (It doesn't bother neither)

4. Who is your role-model?

5. What is your favourite film?
Field of Dreams or The Dark Crystal

6. Why did you start to write your blog?
To share about crafts and to make money.

7. If you had the chance to go back in time 24 hours what would you have done differently?
Gone to bed earlier or published more.

8. What was your favourite toy as a child?
My big green Godzilla(saw that coming)

9. What was the last book you read?
"I am a Hero"-zombie manga comic

10. What is your favourite meal?
Japanese food-okonomyaki or sushi
Western food- Applebee's Cheeseburger or pepperoni pizza

11. Are you a spender or a saver?
I'm a saver my necessity, spender by nature. I want to be a bigger spender. It's good my wife controls the money.

My 11 blog nominees:

1. Hedgehog Blog A disabled mom's blog of activities and parenting.

2. Adultish Book scene blog by renown New York poet, Farrah. (OK, she's my cousin)

3. Spark and All Great homeschooling mom's blog.

4. 2 flowers learn Educator Mom's blog with cool activities.

5. Origami Owls Lots of great kids craft ideas.

6. Project Denneler Great crafts and recipes

7. Our Crafts N Things The name speaks for itself.

8. Girls and their meals Lots of great recipes, especially for kids.

9. Play with me This blog has lots of kid activities sorted by toddler, pre-k, k, etc

10. Monkey Magic Great blog by my good British friend Diane, her adventures with her Japanese husband and raising 2 boys internationally and bilingually in Japan.

11. Because I said so... Colorful and funny mom blog about crafting and parenting.

My 11 Questions for my nominees:

  1. What's your favorite movie?
  2. What's your favorite home meal?
  3. What's the last book you read?
  4. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
  5. In the movie of your life, who will play you?
  6. What's your stupid human trick?
  7. What superhero would you be or super power you'd like?
  8. What's the funniest video on youtube?
  9. Who is/was most influential in your life?
  10. What's the coolest/most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
  11. What's your dream vacation destination?

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