
Monday, November 12, 2012

Versitile Blogger Award

I want to say a big thank you to Angi at First Graders from Outer Space for nominating and awarding me the Versatile Blogger Award. Please check out her blog. She has great ideas for educators. I was so surprised and flattered to receive it. The following are 7 random facts about me plus my 15 picks for the award.

The rules for this award are….
1. Thank the Blogger who nominated you.
2. Include a link to their site.
3. Include the award image to your post.
4. Include the award image on your blog.
5. Give 7 random facts about yourself.
6. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
7. When nominating other bloggers, include links to their sites.
8. Let those bloggers know they have been nominated.

7 Random Facts about me, Jason C. Winter:

1. I'm a RPCV(Returned Peace Corps Volunteer). I served 2 years from 1997-1999 as an Environmental Education volunteer in Paraguay, South America. Volunteers absolutely get more than they give. I worked in the schools with teachers. I wasn't a very good volunteer, I was pretty lazy. The most I did was give a couple of teacher workshops, did a tree planting project, and painted a world map at the school. I can describe Paraguay in one word, "tranquilo", Spanish for relaxed, laid back. Don't worry. It's a relaxing place and the people are so kind and generous. I've forgotten most of my Spanish, but I still drink yerba mate tea locally known as terere. Great to quench a thirst in Summer.

2. I've been living in Japan, teaching English since 2000, been married to a beautiful Japanese woman for nearly 10 years, with 2 beautiful daughters. We live in Yonago City, a small town in Tottori Prefecture on the Sea of Japan. My Japanese is pretty bad, that's why I forgot all my Spanish. I'm a lifer, not goin anywhere anytime, soon. Go here to read my Japan blog, Life in Japan with Jason

3. I'm a huge Godzilla and Kaiju Eiga(Giant Monster Movies) fan. Anyone who knows me can tell you. In fact, I'm such a big fan I have my own website in anticipation of the new American Godzilla Movie coming in 2014. Check it out, Godzilla 2014. Sorry I haven't updated it for a while, I've been too busy writing on my craft blog.

4. I've had hemiparysis, a slight disability similar to a stroke since I was 3, I can do most things, but it affects my left side; hand and leg.  It hasn't slowed me down very much but I only type with one hand.

5. I'm a big fan of comic books and superheros, some of the funniest things I've seen on Youtube are parody videos by ItsJustSomeRandomGuy who uses superhero action figures and voices little stories with them. Great stuff.

6. All my life I've talked to myself when no body's looking. It helps me think, especially when I'm studying something. I give myself a lecture to clarify things or play ideas off an imaginary listener. Get things off my chest with an inner dialogue. I had a proff in college who told me that was an advanced way of learning. I've never stopped.

7. I'm an obsessive blogger!

Now for my Nominee's for the Versatile Blogger Award.  All these blogs were an inspiration to me on my craft blog. They are all great crafters.

Make and Takes
No Time For Flash Cards
Ramblings of  a Crazy Woman
Handprint and Footprint ART
Fun Family Crafts
the classroom creative
My Photo



  1. Thanks for the nomination! What a great list of fabulous blogs!

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination. A lot of these blogs are new to me and I can't wait to check them out. Very interesting facts about your self. I have to check out your other blog of Life in Japan. It's nice to see other places and hear about them. I think it's awesome that you got to go and Volunteer in another country as well.

    Thank you for the kinds words on my blog as well. That really made my day.

  3. Thanks for nominating our blog! Have a great week :)
