
Monday, February 4, 2013

Hickory Dickory Dock Clock Craft

This simple clock craft can be used to teach the nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock, or simply as a time and clock reading activity, or both.


  • paper plate
  • template of traceable numbers 1-12
  • card stock
  • crayons
  • glue
  • sharp pencil
  • hole punch
  • brass fasteners (butterfly clip)


  1. Beforehand teacher prepares a copy of traceable numbers 1-12 and cuts simple short and long clock hands for each student.
  2. Students decorate their paper plate and clock hands as they like.
  3. Trace or color the numbers 1-12 and glue on to make your clock (Sorry, 12 and 1 fell off this example).
  4. Punch a hole in the clock hands and attach to the paper plate with a brass fastener.

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