- hard red felt
- heart template pattern
- red sequins
- small red beads
- red thread and needle
- safety pin
- glue
1. Print out a heart template or use a cookie cutter. Cut out the pattern and trace on the felt. Add the first sequin on the tip of the heart.
2. Add a bead on top of the sequin.
3. Thread the needle and tie a knot in the end of the thread. Go through the hole of the bead and sequin. Pull the thread through to the knot, then tie off and cut the end on the back side of te heart.
4. Repeat
this all around the outside edge of the heart with sequins and beads. Add one in the center if you like.
5. Glue a safty pin to the back of the
The original craft called for needle and thread, but I think you could make it easier by gluing on the sequins and beads.
Also, if your felt is not stiff, cut a matching piece of cardboard and glue the heart on that for strength.
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