- wax paper
- 2 taco shells
- graham cracker squares
- Animal crackers
- pretzel sticks
- peanut butter or frosting for glue
- plastic knife
- Lay down wax paper.
- Carefully break 2 taco shells in half. Use a knife to break curved end so it lays down flat.
- Lay down 1 half taco shell. Spread peanut butter or frosting on the top and lay down 2 more overlapping shells as shown to make a boat shape.
- Break a graham cracker in 4 pieces. Use peanut butter as glue and place 2 graham cracker squares side by side on top of the taco shells and 1 more on top of that to make the top cabin.
- Break a pretzel stick in half and a few more smaller pieces and glue at the top for the roof as shown.
- Glue on some animal crackers in pairs on your ark.
- Serve on a plate. Discuss the story of Noah's Ark and enjoy your snack. The kids will never forget.
Source: Kaboose
I found this idea on Pinterest and used part of it in my children's church class! Thanks for the inspiration! I blogged about several flood ideas. I hope you don't mind that I used your image. I credited you as the source and linked back to this site, but if you prefer I remove the image please let me know. (tobi at yahoo dot com). Here's a link to my blog post: