- pirate hat template
- card stock
- scissors
- tape
- rubber bands and toothpicks(optional)
- Follow the link below and print out the pirate hat template on card stock or regular paper and glue onto thicker paper. Cut out.
- Cut out the long black strips(template). Tape to the back of the hat on either side to make the head band. Tape at the back to fit your child's head.
- Alternatively, Cut slits on the white dotted lines on either side of the hat. Insert a rubber band through the slit. Break a toothpick in half and put into the loop of the rubber band. Secure with tape. Black electrical tape would be good. Do the same on the other side. Tie the rubber bands together in the back to make the head band. You may need to tie together with one or more rubber bands depending o the length.
For the eye patch, cut out and cut slits on the dotted lines. Insert and tie a ribbon around the head to wear.
Source: Lee Hanson Graphics
thanks very much, for this wander full ideas.