Make a Father's Day Trophy Craft from paper cups for the #1 Dad.
- 2 paper cups
- masking tape
- construction paper
- gold paint
- scissors
- gold pipe cleaners(optional)
- small box(optional)
- Tape 2 paper cups together at the bottoms with masking tape.
- Paint completely with gold paint.
- Cut our 2 "D" shapes or 2 half heart shapes from construction paper for the handles. Paint gold the same as the trophy.
- Glue on the handles.
- Decorate you trophy an with the message, "#1 Dad"
- Instead of making paper handles, poke 2 holes on either side of the top cup and insert gold pipe cleaners to make the handles. Tape in place on the inside.
- Paint a small box gold for a base and glue the trophy on top. Add a message to the base.
Thanx for shraing amazing blog